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When and how do I get paid?

Every platform, service and royalty type has a different reporting/payment schedule. For example, iTunes and YouTube report on a monthly basis whereas almost ALL of the Publishing royalties are accounted and paid out on a quarterly basis.

The majority of services report an entire month’s sales on a two-month delay. Meaning, if a sale of your music occurred in January, we would receive the reports in March.

TuStreams posts your sales and reports every month for all of the stores that provide reports in that given month.

In order to get paid, you’ll need to log into your account, click the balance section and request a payout. Users will be able withdraw their money on a monthly basis as long as they meet the minimum payment threshold ($100 USD), have selected their payment method and properly submitted their accounting information. If the minimum threshold is not met during a particular month, the balance will be carried forward to the subsequent month.

You can select your method of payment. TuStreams offers a variety of payment options such as Direct Deposits, Bank Transfers, International Wires & More!

Can anyone sign up?

Anyone who controls the rights to the content may sign up and distribute what they own. Copyright infringement is a serious matter and not to be taken lightly. The user is liable for all submissions and must own the rights associated to the content.

How long does it take to make money?

It depends on many factors, including how often your music is downloaded, played or streamed. The more people download and stream your music, the more you can earn from that content. It can take as little as two months or as long as 6+ months to see revenue. It primarily depends on the popularity of your content.

How long does it take for my content to go live?

Every platform and store works on a different delivery schedule. Content can be available at different times depending on the platform. When uploading content, please allow at least 3-4 weeks in advance to ensure your content will be available on as many platforms as possible.

How much does it cost to use TuStreams?

FREE! Unlike most self-service distribution platforms, TuStreams charges no up front or out-of-pocket costs to sign up and upload your releases. Of course, we do need to leave the lights on, so in consideration of our distribution services we take a small fee from the revenue generated: just fifteen percent (15%) of the Gross Receipts.

We only make money when you make money!

Where will my music go?

TuStreams distributes worldwide content to all of the major platforms/stores and many more!
Apple Music & iTunes, Pandora, Spotify, YouTube, Amazon Music, SoundCloud, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube Music, Google Play, 7digital, MediaNet, Akazoo, AWA, Deezer, iHeartRADIO, Claromusica (iMusica), WEYV, Napster, Saavn, Slacker, Tencent, TIDAL, Tesla, Yandex & More.

How do I create an account and start submitting content?

You can easily create an account by signing up through our website. Once you create an account you will be given access to our easy-to-use submission dashboard to start submitting content. Click here to sign up

How do I reset my password?

If you ever forget your password, simply go to the login screen and click the “Forgot Password?” link and follow the instructions.

Can I create a label account? Can I distribute music for multiple artists?

Yes! Our technology allows for Label capabilities and multiple artists can be ALL managed from one account.

What are downloads and what are streams?

This can be very complex if all differences were to be explained. To make it simple, think of "downloads" as purchasing MP3s while "streams" are playing music via online libraries.

For example, when you buy an MP3 on Google Play or iTunes, that is considered a "Download." Playing music on Spotify, YouTube, Pandora and iHeartRADIO are considered "Streams."

Both type of units can produce drastically different monetary values.

Does TuStreams collect SoundExchange royalties?

Yes! Our distribution services also includes SoundExchange royalty collections. SoundExchange pays out performance royalties & you can earn additional revenue as the sound recording copyright owner when content is played on a non-interactive digital source. (Make sure to ask one of our team members about Featured Artist royalties as well!)

Does TuStreams collect on YouTube?

Yes! We collect royalties on all YouTube products. Be sure to ask one of our team members the various ways we can collect the various YouTube revenues.

Can TuStreams get my music on Facebook & Instagram?

Yes! You will be able to distribute and make your music available on both Social Media Platforms. (Facebook Lip Sync and the Instagram Music feature)

What if I made a mistake or error on my submission?

If you make an error or realize there’s a mistake with your content, please use the contact form immediately and one of our team members will reach out to help you fix any issues the release may have. You can find and use the contact form here.

Note: There is no guarantee that all platforms and stores will make the requested changes.

Does TuStreams handle publishing/composition collections?

Yes! We collect performance and mechanical royalties worldwide for any compositions you own/control. Please notify us via the contact form if you are interested in the Publishing Administration services that we offer. (We also assist with Sync Licenses.)

How do I see my sales and reports?

Once your account is created and you start to generate revenue, you will have access to a state-of-the-art reporting dashboard containing all of the streaming, download, data and revenue information associated to your content. You will also have the ability to download and export all of your reports.

Keep in mind, it can take up to 2-3 months to see any revenues as all services and platforms report on varying schedules and usually are delayed 2 months from the actual date of sales.

Do I need ISRCs to submit music?

If you are uploading content for the first time and the material has never been released then you will not need ISRCs and we will create them for you free of charge.

If you are uploading and distributing content where the material has been previously released, then you will need to enter the ISRCs originally associated to the material. This is very important and can affect your revenues.

Do I need UPCs to submit music?

If you are uploading content for the first time and the material has never been released then you will not need UPCs and we will create them for you free of charge.

If you are uploading and distributing content where the material has been previously released, then you will need to enter the UPCs originally associated to the material. This is very important and can affect your revenues.

Can I set up pre-sales and pre-orders for my releases?

Yes! You will be able to select a pre-sale or pre-order option when submitting your content for distribution. (You must submit and choose a release date of at least 3-4 weeks in order to use this feature.)